Monday, 28 September 2009
Photo Competition - 2 Days To Go!

Friday, 25 September 2009
7 Top LOLdogs
Loldog photos are simply the act off adding a speech-caption to a photo of a dog – usually with terrible, yet cute grammar – and it’s amazing how a few lines of text can tickle us!
Loldog photos stem from the lolcat craze which can be seen at icanhazcheezburger.com

Got any better ones?
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Photo Of The Month: 7 Days To Go
Each month we give prizes to the best photo added to our Facebook fan page - voted for from a shortlist of photos.
To enter go to http://www.facebook.com/poochandmutt and upload a photo of your dog. You can upload as many photos as you like.
Here are some of the most recent photos:

Monday, 14 September 2009
11 Photos from Paws in the Park
3 Cutest Puppies
Here is a gorgeous Vizla puppy, who was in the front of me in the food queue:

Two Husky pups... If you'd like to see pups of a similar breed look at Mia & Blue, Malmutes on poochandmutt.com

And this puppy is just a huge ball of fluff!

2 Best looking cross-breeds
This is a Vizla / Spaniel cross, who looked a bit like a minature Pointer. We thing they should introduce these dogs as a new breed, like a 'labradoodle'... maybe it should be called a Spizla.

Another great looking cross-breed below. He is a Bull Mastiff crossed with a Rhodesian Ridgeback, who looked like a smaller, slender Dogue de Bordeau (AKA a French Mastiff)

4 Ways to exercise your dog
You can let your dog pull you on a scooter - like the Labradoodle below

You can let your dog pull you on a bike, like this Husky... The dog is supposed to be in front!

You can compete in agiltity like the Collie below

This is not a dog, as you may have guessed. It is a photo of a very interesting relay sport where a dog does an agility course, then the horse in it's team does a similar, but scaled up, course.

2 Photos you should get
You can get professional photos of your dog, like the ones below done by the people from www.eleganceweddingphotography.co.uk

And you can get a photo taken with a Siberian Husky (like I did), with the proceeds going to

Friday, 11 September 2009
Paws in the Park - Something to do this weekend
This weekend is Paws in the Park in Kent. One of the best dog shows in the UK. One that really is a great day out for both you and your dog and something that we would highly recommend you visiting if you are close by this weekend.
Here is a quick list of some of the things that you and your dog can do at the show:
Dash 'N’ Splash: For those dogs that like water the brand new K9 Aqua Zone includes ‘Dash 'N' Splash’ a fantastic attraction where dogs sprint along a 30ft ramp and then jump into 40ft pool of water.
Horse and Hound: A relay race consisting of two teams racing head to head on identical courses. Each team consists of an agility dog with handler and a pony and rider. The dog negotiates a tight course consisting of jumps, tunnels and weave poles and only when the dog and handler are both safely back in their pen can their pony and rider set off on a jumping course that takes up the whole length of the main arena.
British Carriage Dogs: The British Carriage Dog Society runs the annual national Trials, the purpose of which is to demonstrate and test the Dalmatian's traditional role as a companion to man. The trials demand both control and fitness, as dogs are judged on their obedience and capacity for endurance.Newfoundlands: Their principal activity at the show, with their family the Leonbergers will be carting. There will be numerous experienced owners on their stand to tell you all about these very special dogs.
Dashing Dalmatians: Gefion Dog Training Club were asked to give demonstrations of the Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Schemes at Paws in the Park in 2007 and the Bronze team were made up entirely of Dalmatians. Teresa worked out a routine set to the music of Cruella de Vil from the film 102 Dalmatians with some input from the group.
K9 Athletics: There will be a measured long jump, open to all dogs with separate competitions for different sized dogs and a Hurdles event.
My Dog's Got Talent: Can your dog dance, skateboard, sing or do tricks - beg, roll over, twist etc. Then enter them into the My Dog’s Got Talent Competition for the chance to win some fantastic prizes.
Dogstable Course consists of a handler and dog negotiating together an obstacle course consisting of tunnel, gate, jumps and road works etc.
Flyball: At the Hop Farm in September, there will be a Flyball Tournament for trained teams with an open and multi-breed competition. There will also be the opportunity for visitors to 'Have a Go'.
You can buy tickets for Paws in the Park at http://www.pawsinthepark.net/buy-tickets
The cost of tickets is
Adults £8 (on gate) £6.50 (advance)
Children/Seniors £7 (on gate) £5.50 (advance)
2 Adults + 2 Children £28 (on gate) £22 (advance)
2 Adults + 3 Children £30 (on gate) £24 (advance)
And most importantly don't forget to visit Pooch & Mutt in the Barks & Spenders marquee to pick up your supply of health supplements for your dog.
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Letter from a Cavalier owner
There is no photo, so we can't add it to our testimonials section, but we wanted to share it with you anyway"
This may come snail mail but I am really grateful to your for sending Bionic Biotic out so speedily. It arrived the next morning and I was able to commence it straight away.
I mentioned over the telephone my cavalier had had campylobacter with erythromycin as a course of treatment which cleaned it up but left his gut far from normal due to gut damage.
The moment I started him on Bionic Biotic he was normal by the next day and has been ever since. It is just such a relief, and he is once again a happy little chap.
I have been passing the good news around but though I should let you know that you have a another very satisfied customer.
Thank you
Elizabeth Lewis
Monday, 7 September 2009
Fred - a working cocker with digestive trouble

This is Fred, he is a working cocker.
Fred has had a bit of trouble with his digestion... giving him runny stools, but all that is sorted now thanks to Bionic Biotic.
To read Fred's owner's comments click on his picture or copy and paste the link below into your browser.
Friday, 4 September 2009
And the winner is...
With 76% of the votes, Mandy will win some great Pooch & Mutt merchandise.
Thanks everyone for voting, get your photos in for September’s competition at our Facebook group.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Photo Of The Month - Time To Vote
After some amazing entries into our Photo Of The Month competition, we came to the difficult decision of picking our favourite 3 for you guys to vote and determine a winner. The winner will receive some great Pooch & Mutt merchandise.
This was a seriously tough decision to make and there was some great entries, if you missed out this time, you can start submitting your entries for next month at our Facebook Group now!
Here are this months three finalists, to vote please choose your favourite picture from the options below.You have until midday on Friday 4th September to cast your votes. So get voting!
Photo A

Photo B

Photo C